A newsletter where I try to figure out what I’m doing.

Hi! My name is Hannah. I started this newsletter at the beginning of 2023 to document the ways I think about running a biotech startup, writing, building meaningful relationships, and everything in between.

Why now? I’m at a particularly interesting point in my life that I want to remember, reflect on, and even romanticize a bit for when things get particularly difficult. Currently, my day job is CEO and co-founder of Interface Biosciences, a VC backed biotech startup based out of the Bay Area. I also write sci-fi/fantasy and am trying to get my first book published. Running a company and writing books may seem very different from each other, but I’ve found remarkable parallels between the two - the most striking being the emphasis on people and storytelling. What I love most in the world is connecting with others, and I’m lucky that I get to do that every day - both in business and in art.

While biotech and writing are what most people find initially interesting, the most important thing in my life are the people in it. It’s dumb, but the unpleasant urge to work all the time and forget about relationships is an easy trap to fall into. In 2022, I decided to rewrite my entire value system and define my self worth not by success and accomplishments, but by the amount of love I am surrounded by and am able to give to others. This shift changed everything. I also want to write about how I made this change and the incredible ripple effects it’s had.

If any of these points sound interesting to you, subscribe to my newsletter! I aim to send one out every week sporadically and you’ll never miss an update.

Thanks for reading!

Subscribe to Wastyk Writes

Hannah is a Stanford PhD, biotech startup founder, and sci-fi writer. This newsletter talks about all three and everything in between.


Scientist, founder, and writer. Co-founder and CEO of Interface Biosciences. PhD in BioE from Stanford '21. #AMMR9 Mentee for YA science fantasy. she/her